So the thieves came in the night and stole my blogs. 15 years worth of writing, mostly gone in the blink of the eye and totally my fault for not backing up like I should.
But tonight, I made a wonderful chicken, broccoli and rice casserole with lots of cheese, and it was so good and looked amazing in the pan, and I thought, man, I’d like to share that with my friends. I wish I still had my food blog.
Viola! My food blog is back!
Michy dishes isn’t pro. The pictures will suck and the writing might have some typos because, hey, i did have three strokes last year. But it will have good and easy to make food from the cheap and easy to the fancy and pricey (but only sometimes, I’m broke!)
And if you want to come along on the journey, then I’ll be happy to have you–and this time, I’m backing this blog up!
Love and stuff,