In 2019, Michelle Devon, otherwise known online as Michy, suffered three major strokes during a heart surgery. Life hasn’t been the same since. In fact, when she first got out of the rehab center the first time after the strokes, she couldn’t even hold silverware to eat with, much less to think about holding a knife and cooking with hot stuff. No way!
Today, with lots of physical and occupational therapy, she picked up cooking for her family as one of the few things she could still do with modification. She’s gone from not being able to hold a spoon to making fancy meals and comfort foods for here loving family. It makes her feel useful still, in spite of all she can’t do.
But writing is still her first love. Typing is difficult now but she gets better at it every time she practices. So combining her old love with her new passion, she plans to blog about cooking and sharing recipes she creates or tries and sharing her experiences with them.
Hope you Enjoy!